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I am deligted to present one of my Gondwanan Biochromes in the Landscapes 2023 Exhibition at John B. Aird Gallery online exhibition.
LANDSCAPES is is a visual worldwide online survey exhibition by seventy six artists, at John B. Aired Gallery juried and curated by international-based artist/curator Anqi Li, and a publication designed by Marina Doukas.
In her curator’s response Anqi Li states: “Spanning from installation and brush painting, to photography and digital collage, each piece offers a distinctive perspective on the overarching theme — Landscape.”
The exhibition catalogue is availavailabe for a free download, and will remain online archives after the exhibition. Click the button link above and enjoy viewing all the images in this exhibition.
Thanks to the Aird Gallery Director / Curator: Carla Garnet, the Landscapes 2023 Juror / Curator: Anqi Li, Aird Gallery curatorial assistant and publication design: Marina Doukas and Web designer and Operations Manager: Jenn Vong.
Exhibiting artists:
Michael Abraham, Sue Allison, Rebis Alter, Denise Antaya, Nancy Bennett, Martin Blanchet, Julie Bélanger Melanie Brunton, Renata Buziak, Patricia Coulter, Sylvie Daigneault, Julie Desmarais, Sherry Dube, Janice Evans, Tanya Fenkell, Marie Finkelstein, Saremifar Firouzeh, Julie Florio, Sylvia Galbraith, Mike Grandmaison, Michael Hannan, David Harrison, Katherine Hartel, Mary Hayes, Isabelle Hemard, Jill Hobson, Tatjana Hutinec, Stephen Karchut, Ted Karkut, David Kempton, Martin Kotyluk, Hiu Lam, Cynthia Langford, Adora Lau, Sabrina Leeder, David Lidbetter, Gregory Majster, Mathieu Marcotte, Cynthia McLaren, Richard McNaughton, Deirdre McIntosh, Judi Miller, Jesus Mora, Alex Neumann, Melissa Patel, Tushar Patel, Frances Patella, Pam Patterson, Bob Pennycook, Jackie Rancourt, Amal Rashed, Terence Reeves, Edna Ruiz, Mikael Sandblom, Laura Santini, Lee Schnaiberg, Emily Simek, Shawn Skeir, Barry Smylie, Margaret Stawicki, Doug Stratford, Lea Tavis, Kate Taylor, Tizzi Tan, Lynda Todd, Isaac Trapper, Caroline-Hermine Tremblay, Ana Vatres, Julie Vetro, Marian Wihak, Don Woodiwiss, Hiroshi Yamamoto and Micheal Zarowsky.